Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Issue With Go-busters Continuity in Super Sentai

In Tokumei Sentai Go-busters, it is stated that the story is somehow in the future. The year is rather than the standard Anno Domini, it is now in Anno Novi.

First, one should know that for the calendar to change it's name, it has to have something new happened in one year that effects the whole world, then the calendar can change it's name (learned from Gundam). Since Enetron is found waay before the Go-busters get their powers, so I assumed that Anno Novi calendar is created in the future of this world.

So, where is Go-busters within the Super Sentai? Is Gokaiger is the end for every single continuity in Super Sentai? Or Go-busters is just somehow in the future of the timeline? Like Timeranger except they don't travel back through time?

My guess? Yes.

Since Toei is all about money, so this can become their excuse to have the next Super Sentai anniversary. But I doubt that they are going to have Go-busters Vs Gokaiger, since they met in Super Hero Taisen. Unless they give no sh!t to continuity and canon in storyline...